Crown Automation – Enriching lives through technology

  • Mon - Fri : 8.00 am - 5.00 pm

Building Dreams

"If you got an idea, we got the skills to build it." Quick and Affordable.

Have you got an idea? We can make that a reality by building your application within 1 month time, from design until successful launch regardless of the functions and features.
Our agile methodology and dedicated team  have supported many startups build their MVP and scale. Have done it before, can do it again!

Modern Tech Stack and Technologies

Crown Automation stays at the forefront of technology trends, utilizing a modern tech stack to ensure that our solutions are robust, scalable, and future-proof. Our team is proficient in a wide range of technologies, including but not limited to:
Frontend Development: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (React.js, Angular, Vue.js)
Backend Development: Node.js, Django, Flask, Ruby on Rails
Database Management: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase
Cloud Services: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform
Mobile Development: React Native, Flutter By harnessing the power of these cutting-edge technologies, we create dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly websites and web applications that elevate your online presence and drive tangible results.

By harnessing the power of these cutting-edge technologies, we create dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly websites and web applications that elevate your online presence and drive tangible results.

Tailored Solutions for Small Businesses, Universities & Entrepreneurs

At Crown Automation, we believe that digital transformation should be accessible to all, regardless of size or budget. That’s why we specialize in providing affordable solutions for small businesses, collaborating with universities to enhance their digital infrastructure, and supporting entrepreneurs in bringing their ideas to life. Our agile development process, coupled with quick turnaround times, ensures that you get the solutions you need, when you need them, without breaking the bank.


We are based in United Kingdom and can visit you for live demonstration.

Over 14 Years of Experience

Build more than 50 Mobile Apps and clean record with App Publishers

Dedicated project team

We believe in dedicated project team for speedy results.

Live and prompt after sales

Our job aint finish after launch, we are there for you even after launch.


Check out our work

Take a peek inside our recent project in 2024

Service Booking App


Personal Development App


Fitness Service Gateway


Student Study App


How we do it

Idea Exploration

Initial phase where we learn about the purpose of the app, pain points, solution, features, business model and most importantly the goal of the founder.

Research & Development

We perform internal / external research to develop ideal user flow, design systems and fill any gaps in the business model, features and present a draft to the founder.

UI / UX Design

The important phase where all ideas and research comes alive in the form of well-structured design based on the target audience, business focus and branding guidelines.

Testing & Tweaking

All design systems are put through rigerous testing, proof-reading and validating each point. Fixing the design to ensure it is flawless and serves its immediate and future purpose.

App Development

The phase where all designs turn into an interactive and fully functional app which can be deployed in different mobile devices for testing and interacting.

Testing & Launch

The final phase where you test the complete application system using various tools and deploy the app into Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Mobile App

Build your Minimum
Viable Product with us


£ 8,000.00

Per Project

Ideation & Research
Wireframing & Prototyping
UI / UX Designing
Development Android and IOS
Payment Integration
Core Features 
Single Language
Single Region
Landing Page
Admin Panel
Launch in App Store

Web Site / Web App

Build your app
with full function


£ 18,000.00

Per Project

Everything mentioned on MVP
Multi Vendor App
Vendor Panel
Third Party Integrations
Push Notification
Complete Customizable Backend

Custom Software

Build an app with
AI Integration


To Be Discussed

Per Project

All features from Premium
AI Integration & Suggestions
ML Training Model & Deployment
Multi-Currency System
Complex Algorithm


What to choose


This package is ideal for startups to get their idea out there as quick as possible. We shall build the ideal tester with the right features for them to share the app.


For businesses or individual who need something with more features and established infrastructure. Ideal for some who has tried out with MVP and want to build a scalable app.

AI Integrations

Ideal for a team or individual who has a mobile app idea with an AI integration on it. This includes ML training models and systems which is heavily involved in Artificial Intelligence.


Most frequently questions and answers

Sure! If you already got a final UI / UX design that needs to be developed, we can help you build it. While it will speed up the process, we need to audit the design provided to ensure it is complete in its nature.

This is depending on the nature of the app and its core function. Some might need complex structure to ensure it is scalable. Most popular tech stack we use will not be limited to Flutter,  Swift, Go Lang, Javascript, Python.

Sure, we have developed few apps with AI in it. The development timeframe will be bit more longer compared to non-AI Apps based on the function and datasets in AI.

We specifically love working with small and medium businesses and individuals. Our focus is startups with great potential and a dream to achieve something that directly impacts the lives of the community.

Certainly, we are based within University of Bradford and we can show you our Lab where we work.

Payment terms can be discussed based on app features and timeframe. Nonetheless, our standard terms are 50% advance payment and 25% upon successful complete draft submission and balance after handover of the native file.