Crown Automation – Enriching lives through technology

  • Mon - Fri : 8.00 am - 5.00 pm
Supporting Local Businesses
Category: IT, Technology
Date: 01/01/2023
Value: Free

Empowering Small Businesses with Free Marketing Plans and Digital Marketing Tips

In a world where small businesses play a vital role in local communities, there’s nothing quite like a company that gives back. Crown Automation is not only at the forefront of digital marketing but also dedicated to supporting the growth and success of local businesses. We demonstrate this commitment by offering free marketing plans and valuable online resources to empower small businesses in the community.

Free Marketing Plans:

Small businesses often face the challenge of limited resources and expertise when it comes to marketing. Crown Automation recognizes these challenges and steps in to offer a helping hand. We create customized marketing plans that are tailored to the specific needs and goals of each small business in the community.

These marketing plans are comprehensive, including strategies for online and offline marketing, social media campaigns, content creation, and more. Crown Automation’s team of experts collaborates closely with each business to ensure that the plan aligns with their unique identity and objectives.

Educational Videos on Digital Marketing:

In addition to personalized marketing plans, Crown Automation produces a library of educational videos hosted in Youtube by the founders. These videos cover a wide range of topics related to digital marketing, including social media advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and content creation. Small businesses can access these resources free of charge, allowing them to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in the digital age.

The videos are designed to be informative, easy to understand, and actionable. They serve as a valuable resource for businesses looking to enhance their online presence and connect with a broader audience.

Empowering the Future Generation:

Crown Automation goes the extra mile by organizing seminars and workshops in teaching digital marketing and nurturing entrepreneurial spirit to school students in the UK.  Students can gain practical insights, ask questions, and connect with industry experts.

A Commitment to Local Growth:

Crown Automation’s dedication to the community goes beyond business transactions. We see their success intertwined with the success of local businesses. By offering free marketing plans, educational videos, and community events, Crown Automation demonstrates the commitment to creating an ecosystem of growth, collaboration, and mutual support.

The Power of a Giving Business:

Crown Automation’s community-focused approach is a testament to the power of businesses giving back. We understand that expertise in digital marketing can be a game-changer for small businesses, and we willingly share this knowledge to uplift the community.
